Connected Learning

Earlier, whilst looking for the original sketches for the Tiny Books website, I found an old post – from October, 2016 (1476712080) – titled ‘Two Million Students’. All of it remains relevant.

Additional emphasis added in 2020:

Skillshare, and other platforms like it, offer a tantalising glimpse of the future of education. A future where learning is affordable and everything you could possibly want to learn is just a click or a swipe away.

It’s an exciting time to be working in education and developing connected models of learning. Education is changing [and] universities need to focus on platforms like this.

The future of learning is connected and it’s affordable… When we join the dots of learning, we create wonderful opportunities. Learning should be affordable to all, and [digital learning platforms] help realise that goal.

I have eight weeks left at Belfast School of Art. I wish I’d had the courage of my convictions to launch The School of Design four years ago. Better late than never.

Chris Murphy @mrmurphy